The year that will be (I hope)
1. Write. Write more, write everyday, write whether or not I want to. Just write.
2. Submit. To journals, contests, whatever, just get it out there. Keep submitting, even if I get rejected.
3. WRITE. I'm putting this one twice because the most basic, first step of being is a writer is you have to sit down and do the work. This is something I failed to do as much as I wanted in 2005.
4. Stop being such a terrible procrastinator. I cannot put off until tomorrow the dreams and goals I have for today, foremost of which is being a writer. Set writing deadlines and stick to them.
5. Get out all those poems I wrote last year and really look at them. Take the time to rework the bad ones and polish the good ones. Then, see #2.
6. Plan to make more of a commitment to NaNo than I did this year.
7. Finish the novel I'm starting, rather than abandoning it halfway through.
8. Keep my blogs updated.
9. Read more.
10. Stop making excuses for why I haven't done any of the above.
There it is, that's my plan for 2006. I made strides this year but only small ones. Next year, I hope to take giant leaps.