Happy Fourth of July

First, if you still haven't read Fringes' interview over at Flood's site, you should definitely make a point of stopping by. While you're there, read all the other interviews Flood has done so far. She really knows how to get into the heart of a writer and the interviews are the right mix of entertaining and informing.
Second, Justin Evans' chapbook Four Way Stop was recently reviewed by the Green Hills Literary Lantern. The review is of course glowing and to read it click here. When you're done, click over to Justin's blog and beg him to send you a copy. I've read and reread mine so many times it's practically falling apart. His poems do not disappoint.
Third, as of yesterday, I am officially an editor at a small online literary magazine that publishes flash fiction exclusively. I sort of fell into this job ass backwards but I'm hoping to learn a lot from this experience. More details on that later.
So that's it, until we meet again. I hope everyone has a lovely holiday and really, I'm not upset at all that I'm going to spend the next ten hours at work. Have a great day, everyone.
Happy 4th! Congrats on the editing opportunity!!
Congratulations on the editor gig! Did you use me as a reference? Kidding. Not. Did you?
Hope it wasn't too bad of a day at work. It's like a ghost town around here - maybe your day went by quickly!
Oh. My. God. I just got home. I am so tired. I am going to go collapse now.
Heather, thanks. I'm going to try not to screw it up.
Fringes, yes, sort of. I mentioned that I had a writer friend who did flash fiction reviews and that I'd done a few. So thanks, I guess I owe you one.
Lex, no it didn't it's over now.
Jason, that's just my attempt at being clever. Is it working?
all the best was reading your blog its nice blog
thanks for sharing
Rebecca, you owe me nothing. One: You did it yourself. Two: I am always glad to help. Especially in the boosting the portfolio department. Congratulations again. I'm excited.
Hey, that is really neat that you have an editorship. I can't wait to hear more about it.
Big congrats on the new job. I hope you love it. Looking forward to hearing more.
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